Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This, That and Then Some

The last few days have been a whirl wind! Some good, some bad, but mostly great!

After having everyone so sick all week last week I was worn out by the weekend. Friday night we went to a friends house for Rook night and had a blast! It was so refreshing to take a break from the day to day and just relax. On Saturday we had a birthday party to go to but I was just too overwhelmed and Evangeline still wasn't feeling well so my amazing hubby took Axel and Miracle and they headed out with this gift in tow:

I stayed home and Evangeline took a FOUR HOUR NAP while I cleaned the entire house. It was so great. When they got home, Andrew and I went on a date. I felt so rejuvenated!!!!

Sunday we had a Valentine card making party at church:

And Monday (Valentine's Day) we had so much fun!
Pink Heart Shaped Pancakes

Sweet Heart

Pink Princess

Dinner at Carbone's


Some Cake for Axel's Birthday

Our Valentine's Cards

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